As the American Republican and Democratic personnel focus on matters that want help the American public at this very second. The Republicans Party focus’s on delayed knee jerk items such as the National Health Program. And how to keep the rich richer. As the Democratic Party remains focused on the working and middle class. To keep up with the ever changing economy, it is advised to have alternate source of income – and in this case simply playing casino games like could totally help us out. Has either party noticed the sky rocketing fuel prices? Day after day the fuel prices get higher and higher. As gas station owners try new ways to milk the customer out of more and more of their cash. The new thing now is double charging for gas at the pump. One price for the use of a credit card. And another price for cash. Now this is something that the Republicans and Democrats could take a strong look at and put a stop too. This is just another way to milk the consumer out of their money. While U.S. congressman and congresswomen. along with U.S. Senators and Senate women look on. Like they don’t see the two prices at the pump. Instead of putting a stop too that. They focus on none Americans matters like dumping trash in land fields in the U.S. by cities outside of the United States. Instead of servicing the needs of the American people they become side tracked. Is President Obama the only person with the interest of the American public at hand? It is starting too looking like it.