
Choosing The Right Pallet Racking System

The right pallet racking system will allow businesses to store more material with fewer aisles, increasing efficiency while decreasing costs. Pallet racks allow you to maximize space by moving warehouse storage up the walls.

Pallet rack frames have feet welded to the bottom that anchor them into the floor. The feet can be reinforced with concrete anchor bolts for added stability.


Pallet racking is designed to support loads up to a safe, defined limit. Loads above that limit can cause integral damage over time, exposing the entire system to instability and collapse. Depending on how the storage space is configured, even one overloaded shelf could cause other shelves to fall and put the entire rack at risk.

pallet racks

This is a common issue with older and improperly installed racks. The structural integrity of a system can be compromised by several factors, such as not taking into account expansion requirements during design and installation, calculating weight, height and depth capacities incorrectly, and not performing regular inspections.

Rack uprights are a series of slender members that are vulnerable to buckling in the face of relatively minor frontal or side impacts from forklifts and other material handling equipment. The structural integrity of these uprights is maintained by the connection between the base plate and bracing, and this should be inspected regularly to ensure these connections are intact.

Weight limits for individual shelves should be widely known by warehouse employees, so that they are able to accurately judge the amount of inventory that can be stored without compromising the stability and safety of the entire system. Racks that are exposed to the elements or stored outdoors may also need additional stabilization by way of overhead ties.


The design and placement of pallet warehouse racking can have a significant impact on the efficiency of a storage facility. It should be able accommodate a range of different loads and weights, while still providing safe access to forklifts. It should be easy to inspect and maintain, as any problems can pose a safety risk.

A pallet racking system of good quality is sturdy and stable. It is an excellent storage solution in any business or industry. It can also be easily adjusted to meet changing needs. For example, the height of rack beams can be increased or decreased, and this can increase or decrease storage density. Additionally, there are a number of accessories that can be added to enhance the functionality of a pallet racking system. These include wire decking and post protectors. Also included are back-to-back ties, anchors, safety straps and panels, and spacers.

Selective pallet racking is the most popular type of warehouse rack, as it allows direct access to every pallet. This type of racking works well for operations with high SKU counts that need quick product access. A double-deep pallet rack is another option. It increases storage density by stacking units at two depths. It is commonly used with wire-guided or rail-guided reach-truck systems to maximise the efficiency of a warehouse.


Structural Steel Pallet Racks offer a durable construction that can withstand heavy-duty usage and forklift wear. Bolted connections at 360 degrees prevent dislodging even from upward vehicle pallet impact, making these systems a sturdy alternative to other types of storage equipment. However, this type of pallet racking lacks the adjustability that other options like roll-formed racks offer. With this type of pallet racking, it can take longer to implement changes in storage needs or inventory specifications.

The durability of a warehouse storage system depends upon the quality of the materials and on regular maintenance. This will help to identify any problems before they become a serious safety hazard. Even flexible materials such as plastics can be damaged over time. A good racking system is made of high-grade metals. It also includes components like footplates, shims and bracing that improve structural stability and capacity.

Beams must be sized to the weight of your inventory. They should also have enough clearance to allow material handlers and pallet lifters to move and lift them. The use of beams that are too small can cause permanent bending, which will affect their ability to carry loads. The beams should be anchored with footpads to increase stability. In some geographic areas, shims are placed under upright frames to ensure the structures stay level on uneven floors.

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